Funeral Service Options
Here at Clark Associates Funeral Home, we're committed to providing families with the best and most memorable funeral services and products. We also offer a diverse range of personalized funeral service options. Whether you would like something more traditional or want a more creative celebration to reflect the spirit of the deceased and their life, we can assist you to select the funeral home service options that hold the most meaning for you and your family. We can be your guide and your ally whenever and however much you need our services. We are always here to support you in making each arrangement decision.

When Death Occurs
No matter if a death is sudden or expected, the loss of a loved one makes us feel emotional and overwhelmed. No amount of preparation can fully prepare you for the pain and grief. When a loved one passes away, there are numerous immediate decisions that need to be made. For some families, the funeral planning process can be complicated and frustrating. At Clark Associates Funeral Home, we strive to simplify this process by providing useful resources, transparent pricing and service offerings that allow us to take care of the arrangements in your time of grief.

Burial Service
Traditionally, a burial service involves a visitation, followed by a funeral service in a church, or other place of worship. The casket is typically present at both these events, and it is your decision on whether to have the casket open or not. You have the option of having the remains interred (earth burial), or it may be entombed in a crypt inside a mausoleum (above ground burial).

What is Cremation?
Cremation (using fire and heat) is the process by which the body of the deceased is reduced to its basic elements. Cremation is permitted for Catholics as long as it is not chosen in denial of Christian teaching on the Resurrection and the sacredness of the human body.

Jewish Heritage
There is a wide divergence in the practices and benefits provided for those who are Jewish. As a Funeral Home we offer our services to all Jewish denominations and we are dedicated to the principle that we will not attempt to impose any particular ritual or observance on any family.

Eulogies & Obituaries
Giving a meaningful, moving eulogy can be a nerve-wracking situation for even the most accomplished public speaker, but it need not be. How can you summarize somebody’s life in a few short minutes, while being both somber and funny at the same time?

Funeral Etiquette
Like everything in society, funeral etiquette and what is expected of you has evolved over time. As always common sense and good discretion is the best guide to proper funeral etiquette. Here are a few dos and don'ts of funeral etiquette.

A funeral is a ceremony for a deceased person prior to burial or cremation. A funeral gives the opportunity for family and friends of the deceased to gather and mourn the passing of their loved one, to share cherished memories and celebrate their life.