Funeral Merchandise and Monuments
Selecting funeral merchandise is on of the most important steps when arranging a funeral service. The casket or urn you choose to hold your loved one’s remains is the final place that they will rest. Merchandise and services provided by our funeral home will be itemized, detailing what each item costs, allowing you to choose from a complete list of items at various prices making it easier to select the merchandise and service appropriate for you and your family..
We offer a full selection of funeral merchandise including caskets, alternative containers, urns, outer burial containers, stationary and burial shrouds.
Our directors can answer your questions about quality, construction or price of the merchandise and the many options available to you.
Caskets and Outer Burial Containers
A casket should be selected keeping in mind how the deceased lived and their personal preference. A price list will be shown to you prior to your selection. Our selection includes traditional burial caskets of wood or metal. In addition, we have available a full line of Jewish heritage all wood constructed caskets with rabbinate approval.
Outer Burial Containers or Vaults are required by most cemeteries in our area. This lessens the care of filling sunken graves and allowing a burial to be made years afterward next to that vault with no disturbance to that grave. We have a complete range of concrete containers and Burial vaults in our selection rooms to meet all cemetery requirements and family preference.
We have a selection of permanent cremation urns. The cremated remains are returned to our funeral home in a temporary tin or plastic box. Most families select a permanent urn.
The tradition of creating a memorial to honor a loved one is as old as humanity itself. It is part of our natural desire to show our love and respect for those who have touched our lives. It is a powerful way to express our feelings in a creative and enduring way. No one is more experienced in helping families with memorialization than Clark Associates.
Making memorialization a truly meaningful experience … means creating a personalized permanent memory of a loved one’s life.