Call FEMA’s COVID-19
Funeral Assistance Helpline at
(TTY: 800-462-7585)
from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET,
Monday – Friday and begin the
application process.
For fastest service
following your application,
you can begin submitting
documentation online through
by fax 855-261-3452.
Documents may also be mailed to:
COVID-19 Funeral Assistance
P.O. Box 10001
Hyattsville, MD 20782
You can also visit FEMA online at
Information is provided in several languages both by telephone and the website
We would like to inform you of what has been implemented by Clark Associates Funeral Home to address concerns of those visiting our establishment regarding COVID-19 Corona Virus.
First and foremost, we have always practiced universal precautions and have taken additional steps to ensure that the Funeral Home is sanitized above and beyond our normal standards of cleanliness and sanitation:
Restrooms and associated fixtures are sanitized twice daily.
Door knobs, railings, tabletops, faucets and other frequently touched surfaces are sprayed and wiped with disinfectant throughout the day.
All floors are cleaned regularly.
Visitors are encouraged to wash hands with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds, avoid displays of affection and practice social distancing during this time.
We ask that visitors use their best judgement when deciding to attend funeral or visitation. Our website is readily available to post a message or condolence. Families will appreciate your care and support even from afar.
We at Clark Associates Funeral Home have always made sure that cleanliness is a top priority and we're remaining vigilant in the face of COVID-19. We will be prepared, and ready to adapt to what the community deems proper for preventative treatment.
The health and well-being of our staff and families we serve is always our biggest concern, and we will continue our universal precautions, sanitizing and cleaning our establishment in accordance with public health recommendations and guidelines.
If you have questions or concerns, we can be reached by phone at (914) 232-3033. We are always here to help.